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05 September 2006

It sure beats knitting.

Caledonia update: File this under, "Making the best of a bad situation."

A digital scanner, some Timmies and a sense of humour. What more does a modern gal need?
What a hoot it is to listen to the OPP go crazy over a few cars parked at the Canadian Tire. On Friday night the Grannies, along with occupants of two other cars, sat at the Canadian Tire parking lot at 9:00 pm. The OPP sent 50+ officers to respond. By 9:30 there were about 15 residents' cars parked at the Canadian Tire. The OPP sent in the Tactical unit to hide behind the Body Wave and also sent the MELT team in with two paddy wagons.

Finally, just before 10:00 pm, the OPP got up enough courage to approach the cars. But suddenly and just before the OPP reached the cars, all the cars drove out of the Canadian Tire lot and left town. The OPP stood dumb founded as they increased their alert level. The cars circled around Caledonia and went to Tim Horton's for coffee and a big laugh at the expense of the OPP. Everyone gathered with their coffee to listen to scanners while the OPP tried to figure out what to do with the 100+ officers they now had stationed at the Canadian Tire parking lot.

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