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30 September 2006

Gotta love the Liberal Party

There isn't anything they can't put a price on.
Veteran Liberal MP Joe Volpe's leadership campaign has been fined $20,000 by the party for improperly recruiting members in the race to become party leader.
I'm not sure signing up dead people is altogether properly covered by the benign phrase, "improperly recruiting members".

Instead of Lib bigwigs disavowing Joe Volpe and his campaign team after catching him breaking the rules yet again... they simply have a tax on dishonesty.

No wonder Chretien could fiddle with campaign finance laws... there must be a huge slush fund from this type of financial penalty within Lib ranks. And it's not a first offence.
Volpe's bid for leader initially sparked controversy this spring after it was revealed that his campaign received donations from minors. A total of $27,000 in donations was subsequently returned.
Which begs the question... just what do you have to do to get booted from this scandal ridden organisation?

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