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06 September 2006

Canadian troops are “terrorists”

This time Taliban Jack and the loony left have stepped over the line.

It's one thing to criticise the government's foreign policy. It's another thing entirely to label our soldiers as terrorists.
A Vancouver Island NDP riding association is calling on the federal government end its combat role in Afghanistan, saying that the mission is being guided by the United States and that Canadian troops are acting like “terrorists.”

In such a situation, Canadian troops end up acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people,” the resolution states
I'm speechless. The only thing I can imagine is that these words were said in a moment of madness... the heat of the moment.

Wait a minute, apparently, that's not the case.
It was drafted by a respected member of the association before being debated and adopted in April, according to Sue Creba, the riding association's president.

The word terrorist is not used lightly. We are concerned about the injuries and the death toll we are seeing amongst those young soldiers, whom we support totally. We just don't think that's the best place for them,” she said.
Good Lord, this has to be some rogue dipper faction, right?
“It's not just our riding association. I would say it's echoed certainly through other Vancouver Island riding associations and probably across Canada.
I give up.

See Taliban Jack & his advisors at at the Broom.

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