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01 August 2006

The scary, hidden agenda...

Of the National Parole Board. Why is Peter Whitmore on the loose yet again?
Whitmore's record speaks for itself:

- 1993: Convicted of abduction and sex crimes involving four young boys, he is sentenced to a paltry 16 months in jail.
- 1994: Nine days after he gets out, he abducts and molests an eight-year-old girl. For that and another attack, he gets four and a half years.
- 1999: He flees to Mexico, but is sent back here.
- 2000: He is released amid controversy in Toronto, even going on TV to say all he wants is treatment. A week later, he is caught in a motel with a 13-year-old boy. Back to jail -- but only for a year.
- 2001: When he is released, a judge refuses bids to make him wear an electronic bracelet, but slams the prison system for failing to give him treatment.
- 2002: Three months after his release, he is caught and sentenced to three more years after being caught with a five-year-old boy and carrying what police described as a "rape kit."
- 2005: After serving the full three years, amid warnings that he is still dangerous, released again.
I'm with Stephen Harper and the Conservatives on getting tough on criminals.

Throw them in jail AND take away their right to vote.

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