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20 August 2006

No more whining...

I often wonder what my wife's grandfather (who spent a couple of years fighting in a muddy, rat infested hole in the ground in France) would think about all the public angst over having Canadian troops in combat in the Middle East.

I think the next person who starts whining about Canadian casualties in Afghanistan should get... (1.) slapped around 'til they stop spewing this hysterical shit and (2.) be forced to read, cover to cover, a history of WWI.
It has often been said that Canada’s sons left their home as young colonials but returned as Canadians. Vimy is indeed the birthplace of “Canadian Nationhood”.

The price was heavy: 10,500 casualties, including 3,598 dead.
That was one battle, by the way, not the whole war.

So how about it, you intellectually moribund, "no such thing as an evil person", terrorist hugging left-bots? Why don't you crawl off into your holes and give the rest of us a break?

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