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08 August 2006

Hezbollywood revealed

Have reefer truck, will travel.

It ain't all dead children & photo ops, ya know. Well, actually, I guess it is.
"Mr. Shadi was standing in front of a refrigeration truck that was packed with 20 bodies, days after he helped bury 74 bodies in a mass grave. When he opened the door to show the black body bags haphazardly piled on top of each other, a staggering stench came out, despite the refrigeration. Next to the truck stood 40 empty wooden caskets, waiting for new arrivals."

Based on these descriptions, it seems highly likely that Abu Shadi the mortician and Abu Shadi the green-helmeted "civil defense worker" are one and the same. And, in the double role, Abu Shadi was among the first to arrive, before the media did, with his refrigerated truck that in recent days had been carrying around corpses.
Dug up by AJ Strata

MORE FAUXTOGRAPHY: Green Helmet Guy's got his own blog.

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