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09 August 2006

David Peterson clear things up.

File this one under "Idiots, Explosives & Falling Anvils".
“It's been a very volatile and tender situation,” Mr. Peterson said. “My biggest concern is that . . . some strange accident could happen.”
Umm, yeah... like somebody accidentally putting a 30 calibre bullet in a deer rifle and firing it in the direction of someone else? I guess tender is one word.

The always helpful former Liberal Premier, currently best known as the failed negotiator of the Caledonia contretemps thus far, was also quick to criticise the judicial ruling.
David Peterson, the former Ontario premier who got the land claim negotiations underway earlier this year, called Marshall's ruling ''a little bizarre.''
Maybe I'm getting confused here, but was Mr. Peterson (how come he's no longer negotiating, anyway?) supposed to be a neutral mediator, or a mouthpiece for the Mohawk Nation?

In any case, he's apparently on the same page as the current Liberal Premier.
When asked if the province would abide by the judge's ruling, Premier Dalton McGuinty replied: "It's the kind of thing that we're going to want take some time to carefully consider.
UPDATE: 1:38 pm
Toronto — Ontario is going to appeal a judge's order to end negotiations in a five-month long aboriginal standoff at Caledonia, Ont., Attorney-General Michael Bryant announced Wednesday.
Lord love a duck... so much for "the rule of law."

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