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08 August 2006


Looks like things are starting to go sideways.
UPDATE: Just In: 11:30 pm - Natives have a water cannon and using it against Residents. Residents are trying to steal Native Flags. One Resident did steal a flag and was immediately jumped on by OPP and kicked while he was on the ground. Residents demanded OPP names etc., Officer Fitzgerald #8471
UPDATE: Globe & Mail reporting at 10:01 pm *** Apparently Premier Dalton McGuinty hasn't decided whether he's on board with Inspector Babbitt (see below)... or that pesky Justice Marshall. ***
When asked if the province would abide by the judge's ruling, Premier Dalton McGuinty replied: "It's the kind of thing that we're going to want take some time to carefully consider.
That kind of thing, in this case being, you know, the law of the land.

Earlier in the day, in the thick of all this, quotes OPP Inspector Douglas Babbitt as saying, "Judge Marshall's court ruling changes nothing."

My first thought was, there's no way even a copper two weeks out of Police College would say something like this... but unbelievably, it's on the local tv station. Can you say, "career limiting move?"

UPDATE: 9:50 pm *** Did somebody just blink? ***
A map of police, native & resident activity is being updated in real time. Police reinforcements were in the area and have been deployed.
Just In: 9:50 pm - Natives have removed Hydro Tower to side of road - Natives standing around roadway - currently just slowing traffic down.
Looks like it's back to the trenches.
Just In: 9:20 pm - Natives are now moving Hydro Towers across Argyle Rd - OPP standing by doing nothing.

Just In: 8:50 pm - 300 to 400 Natives are now gathered within 50 feet of residents' homes along DCE property. Currently only 10 OPP officers are present. Most residents have or are moving their children to other locations. The Natives have set up loud speakers telling residents they will not obey the Judge
It's hard to believe the OPP couldn't see this coming. Surely there are more officers somewhere in the area.

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