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29 July 2006

You say you want a revolution..?

Now that OPP Commissioner Gwen Boniface has left for greener pastures...
Caledonia Mayor Marie Trainer said Boniface bears responsibility for what she called the "chaos" in the town.
"The native population have been feeling they can do anything, anytime, anywhere to anyone and the police will only watch."
Apparenty the natives agree with Trainer here.
Native spokesman Janie Jamieson said Boniface "understood the dynamics of the dispute and didn't enforce the law blindly" by forcibly evicting protesters who remain at the site.
In actual fact however, the law wasn't really a big deal...
A new commissioner who fails to understand that aboriginals don't recognize Canadian law could be risking rebellion across the country from those who support the occupation, Jamieson added. "That's all it would take," she said.
Rebellion, huh? Queen Janie has spoken.

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