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13 July 2006

Who could've guessed?

Who could have guessed the Israelis were so touchy about anyone kidnapping any of their soldiers? Apparently not the mad mullahs in Lebanon. No big worry though, Hezbollah's gonna call the U.N. to straighten it all out.
No, c'mon... seriously, it could happen

Israel blockades Lebanese ports

Giving the rationale to Israel Radio today, Israeli Agriculture Minister Shalom Simchon said: "The government wants to change the rules of the game in Lebanon and make the Lebanese government understand that it is responsible for what happens in Lebanon."

But the Lebanese government said yesterday that it did not know of the Hizbollah operation, did not condone it and bore no responsibility for it.

The Lebanese Cabinet, which includes two Hizbollah ministers, urged the UN Security Council to intervene.

UN Update, "Say Kofi, about that Resolution 1559..."

Olmert to Annan: Operation will end after Hezbollah is disarmed
Israel will not end its military operation in Lebanon until the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559, which calls for disarming Hezbollah and deploying the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Friday.

Annan informed Olmert that he was sending a UN team to the region. Olmert said he would cooperate with the team only if its objective would be to return the Israel Defense Forces soldiers abducted by Hezbollah and the full implementation of Resolution 1559.

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