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17 July 2006

We, the sheeple...

1 in 5 Voters in Ontario not confirmed citizens
Across the province, one in five people on an early voters' list for November's municipal election are not confirmed citizens.
In Toronto, for example, that means there are more than 300,000 people on the list who may — or may not — be legally allowed to vote
That sounds like a problem. Who's in charge of these lists anyway?
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, that's who.

That's right, the same people the Ontario Ombudsman publicly scorched in March of this year for their malfeasance. It was so bad that Liberal Premier Dalton McSquishy had to stop MPAC from raising anyone's taxes... until after the next provincial election that is.
Marin's report called "Getting it Right" says MPAC is inaccurate, secretive, arrogant, unhelpful to homeowners and reluctant to admit mistakes, even when it loses cases on appeal. He said it violates a fundamental principle of justice by requiring homeowners to prove its assessments are wrong, rather than proving its own assessments are right.
Two thoughts.
It's time for MPAC to be disbanded.
Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.

Hey, it's only democracy at stake here.

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