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24 July 2006

No more Mr. Dithers

When I think of the previous Liberal reign, I always conjure up my favourite Far Side cartoon, where a hapless dog is leaning out the window of a car proudly announcing to his pals, "I'm going to the vet to get tutored."
How refreshing is it to hear a Canadian politician take a stand on ANYTHING, never mind a logical, principled, (politically incorrect is just ice cream) position?
When asked why Canada has not joined other countries in calling for a ceasefire, he said: "A ceasefire and a return to the status quo is a victory for Hezbollah. Let's not forget that this was an unprovoked attack by a terrorist organization, missiles being fired into Israeli territory. What we're seeing now is an attempt to defend a sovereign nation...
Lebanon is a country that was long ago hijacked by a terrorist organisation, apparently with no opposition from either its government OR its populace. They stand there holding a lit stick of dynamite and then have the nerve to whinge about it when it literally blows up in their faces.

Meanwhile, Liberal figurehead Bill Graham deals out some warm fuzzies
Mr Harper is proud of the fact he wasn't nuanced about this," said Mr Graham. "Nuance has kept us in a position where we could help. Lose the nuance and you lose your capacity to act and help others.
Hey Billy, let's not forget who started this. If your Hezbollah buddies hadn't snuck across the border, murdered & kidnapped Israeli soldiers and then started pouring rockets into Haifa... a million Lebanese would be sitting at home watching tv.

Nuance that, big fella.

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