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14 July 2006

Cross my heart and hope to...

Sheikh Nasrallah is crowing about promises & honour while parts of Lebanon are being battered into applesauce. Well heck, a promise is a promise.

Operation Promise Fulfilled
Hizbullah's spiritual leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, lauded the Hizbullah for the attack in which seven IDF soldiers were killed and two others kidnapped. Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, he warned Israel that the Hizbullah would only release the captives in exchange for security prisoners.

"Our operation succeeded, we have results and honor," the sheikh declared. "We kept our promise to kidnap soldiers [to secure] the release of prisoners, and therefore are calling the attack 'Operation Promise Fulfilled.'" "For more than a year, I've been saying that we want to kidnap soldiers in order to exchange prisoners," Nasrallah said. "Every time I said so, Israel went into high alert along the border. We decided to kidnap soldiers in order to end the matter of prisoners," he stated.


Name changed to "Operation Punch Myself in the Face"
BEIRUT was a city under siege yesterday as Israeli jets pounded the southern suburbs and frightened residents emptied the shelves of supermarkets in fearful anticipation of a prolonged blockade. Coaches and buses lined up outside some of Beirut’s top hotels as nervous tourists, mainly from the Gulf, fled the city. The streets of the capital, normally choked with traffic, were almost deserted as residents huddled inside their homes.

During the past three days F16s and Israeli warships off the coast have bombed the airport, flyovers, key road junctions and fuel depots, sending thick black smoke billowing into the sky. They have hit Hezbollah’s radio and television stations, and last night they destroyed the Shia group’s headquarters in southern Beirut as well as the home of its leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah

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